Finance Committee Update from August 2022

September 21, 2022


Adjusted Operating Budget (2022)


Actual Receipts (August 31)


Actual Expenditures (August 31)


Current Operating Balance

- $20,343

Total Charitable Giving including operating and other designated giving as of August 31:  $560,000

Thank you very much for your continued support. The Operational Management Team (OMT) and Finance Committee continue to monitor operating expense closely to reduce the anticipated deficit for the year. Your faithful support over the past several years has allowed us to develop a sufficient reserve, so we will not need to borrow money to cover any deficit. 

St. Andrew continues to support several ministries in addition to paying our staff, utilities, and maintaining facilities (both church & parsonage). Some other ministries we have supported this year with our budget and with donations outside of operating include: Lafayette Transitional Housing Center, Bashor Home, UMCOR Ukraine, and conference outreach programs.

For more information, the detailed report is available in the church office. Contact the church office if you have any questions or if you would like a pdf copy of the Finance Report sent to you via email or regular mail.



Traditional Worship - Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Worship - Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. - noon


St. Andrew United Methodist Church
4703 N 50 W | West Lafayette, Indiana 47906